Winter of the Novel Update

Okay, yes, it’s technically spring, but you know what? I hacked ice off my windshield this morning and walked through sleet to a morning meeting, so Winter of the Novel it remains.

Just wanted to check in with a progress report. I finally got all of my edits into Scrivener last night! All the edits!

Now to get my chapter breaks sorted out. Because having split this novel in two means that things don’t break like they used to. Gotta fix that.

Favorite bit I ran into last night:

It’s a long story, full of drama and heroics.” He gave her a sheepish look as he dumped a shovelful of dirt. “Not necessarily my heroics, I hate to admit.”

Favorite bit that would fit on Twitter:

Can I bust his head open, Frank? I wanna watch all the gunk run out.”

This line of dialogue makes me laugh for some reason, even though it’s not a humorous scene at all. Pure poetry, eh? 😉

English: published 1878, scketches of people l...

Twitter and Scrivener really threw off the randomicity of WordPress’s photo suggestions, but this popped up. People in Istanbul, apparently. And one of them is scrivening.

Categories: Books/Authors, Works in Progress, Writing | Tags: , , ,

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