
Piper Deez and the Case of the Winter Planet

Published on July 10, 2017, by Candlemark & Gleam, Piper Deez and the Case of the Winter Planet is the second short work of its Reckless imprint. It’s available through C&G and Amazon.

Detective Piper Deez, newlywed but still hardboiled, is a solar system away from home investigating murder and thievery on Alta-na-Schell, the Winter Planet. Who can she trust? Who should she trust? Why didn’t anyone tell her monogamy was going to be this difficult? Eye of the Storm, a domed city riven by clan rivalries and corruption—with only fingerlengths of shielding protecting its denizens from certain death—may hold some answers and, perhaps, even the end of Piper Deez.

If monogamy doesn’t get to her first…

“So The Taino Call It”

front cover of Substitution Cypher
Published in the 2012 alternate history/espionage anthology, Substitution Cipher, “So The Taino Call It” tells the tale of Rodrigo de Escobedo, a Portuguese spy on Christopher Columbus’s first voyage to the New World.

Substitution Cipher is available at Candlemark & Gleam (My publisher. Buy directly from them and all your money supports indie publishing.), Barnes & Noble, Amazon (paperback), Amazon (Kindle), Kobo Books, and Book Depository.

Reviews: Publisher’s Weekly, Alternate History Weekly Update, The SF Signal Podcast (Episode 242)

“To The Edges”

ww-coverAppearing in Crossed Genres‘ 2013 anthology, Winter Well: Speculative Novellas About Older Women. It’s the year 2042, and Chicago native Zedalia Bleakstead finds her middle-aged self unemployed, confronted with a city in crisis, and dreaming of walls of fire. So, why not move to western Iowa and start over? What could possibly go wrong?

Winter Well is sadly no longer in print.

Reviews: Jules’ Book Reviews, Books Worth Reading, Publisher’s Weekly


4 thoughts on “Novellas

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  3. Neenah Soto-Minelli

    It’s amazing how people are still making money from the genocide in the Caribbean. Fifty years after that racist pig of a monster sociopath, the great navigator that was always lost Columbus washed up on my mother’s birth Island Puerto Rico, there was not one Taino Indian alive..They brought their perverted religion and diseases and if the Tainos did not convert to Christianity they would skin their children alive. Who the hell wouldn’t convert then? They forced their white racist god on them or die. With the generations they conformed, they forgot that that European god was not their god. A lot of them died because they would not convert. How were they to believe in a god such evil people brought on them and the tortured, raped and lynched in his name? Tell me M. Fenn, where did your people hail from?..P.S…I enjoyed your book about my Mother’s people.

    • Thanks for commenting, Neenah. Columbus was a villain. Even his own people back in Europe thought he went too far. Didn’t stop them from continuing the tragedy, though. I’m glad you enjoyed my story. Thanks for reading. To answer your question, I grew up in Nebraska–ancestors from Europe & the UK.

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