Posts Tagged With: tragic business

Weekend Linkroll

It’s a sad weekend here in the U.S. as we all try to process the latest story of (to paraphrase Ms. DiFranco) some boy reaching for the available arsenal and sauntering off to make the news. Heartbreaking stuff. My sympathies go out to all involved.

The first two links concern the shooting. The rest don’t. Hopefully, those three will bring a smile to your faces. We all need a smile.

Guns do not kill people. They just make it easier to kill people.
Margaret and Helen discussing the topic. I disagree strongly that now is not the time to have this conversation. If not now, when?

Set a date and time to have a conversation about gun policy in the United States.
And, along those lines, a White House petition you can sign if you also think that it’s finally time to discuss gun policy in this country. And before you get all freaked out about me wanting to take all your guns away, understand that I own guns, I’ve had training in their use, and I know how to use them. I have no problem with responsible gun ownership. But I also have no problem with that ownership being regulated. I had to go through more trouble getting a driver’s license than I did acquiring guns. That’s just crazy. (If you disagree, fine. But if you want to troll me over this, don’t bother. Your comment will never see the light of day.)

A Bunch Of Sad, Insecure Dudes Attacked A Woman And Everyone Got What They Deserved
Anita Sarkeesian is my internet hero. She rocks hard.

Jim Hines’ Pose-Off with John Scalzi
It’s for charity and it’s awesome.

Jordan Hawk’s Link-O-Geek
This week, Fellowship of the Wraiths. Kind of adorable.

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